The Jackie Movie

The Jackie Movie is a mockumentary film written and produced by local independent filmmakers The Worthy Brothers (Victor Nolasco & Steven Rubin). It is a story that follows the career arc of a fictional rock star named Jackie. The film blends “rockumentary”-styled interviews with Jackie’s fellow bandmates, manager, lovers, critics, and fans with a satirical look on the rock and roll star lifestyle and ego.

Filmed in Washington, DC and Northern Virginia throughout 2013 using a modest budget, The Worthy Brothers used available assets and a network of local friends to complete the film. Truly an independent film, The Jackie Movieaims to shine a light on the nature of stardom in the music industry while entertaining its audience with unique, quirky, and flamboyant characters.

The film had a hugely successful, sold-out screening in November 2013 at The E Street Cinema in downtown Washington, DC.

Narrator: Alistair Wearmouth
Jackie: Steven Rubin
Starlett Treehorn: Pamela Long
Django Treehorn: Mark Terranova
Heshel Treehorn: Todd Levinson Frank
Clarice: Clarice C. Hitchcock
Don Binghampton: Victor Nolasco
Ron Johnson: Chris Goett
Don “Radar” Aprile: Don Pitz
Donnie Aprile: Donnie Riggs
Moses “Mo” Lester: Phil Cedoz
Reformed Street Musician: Ron Utt
Gringo Starr: Christiam Camacho
Female Fan: Jen Maltba
Male Fan: Jonathan Seabolt
Mick Longstein: Rob Salerno
Cindy Walken: Leigh-Ann Terry
The Jackie Movie
The Jackie Movie Poster
